PrEP Navigation Technical Assistance

PrEP Navigation Technical Assistance - Filmed on June 12, 2020

 PrEP Navigation Technical Assistance - Filmed on May 29, 2020


HIV and Housing

The Tennessee Department of Health HOPWA program’s HIV and Housing in TN training module reviews the science around how HIV and housing instability are connected before diagnosis and throughout the life of a person living with HIV. The training includes information about HOPWA and Ryan White Housing services in Tennessee.

TDH HOPWA Program Overview

The Tennessee Department of Health’s HOPWA program’s HOPWA Program Overview training module covers what parts of the state are served by the TDH HOPWA program, what types of housing support are available through TDH HOPWA, how HOPWA funds can be spent, what reporting and fiscal tasks an organization receiving HOPWA funds must do to maintain the program, and more. This training is ideal for staff at organizations considering applying for TDH HOPWA funds in 2021 and for staff at organizations who receive HOPWA funds (or who collaborate with partners who do) and want to know more about how to connect Tennesseans living with HIV to housing services.