What are the Standards of Care?

The purpose of the Ryan White Part B Standards of Care and performance measures is to ensure that a uniformity of service exists in Tennessee as such that the consumers of services receive the same quality of service regardless of where service is rendered.

These standards align with current Public Health Service (PHS) Guidelines and the Health Resources and Services Administration’s standards and performance measures for service delivery to ensure the highest quality of service.

These standards apply to any agency receiving Part B funds to provide services as contracted for that time period. If any agency is unable to meet a particular standard, the agency must document why the standard was unable to be met and explain the steps underway to meet the standard and submit to the grantee for approval.

If you do not see a service category listed below, please select “Statewide Standards of Care” for additional service categories.

Statewide Standards of Care

Individual Documents

Core Medical Services

  • Medical Case Management

  • Mental Health Services

  • Oral Health Care

  • Substance Abuse Treatment

Support Services

  • Case Management (non-medical)

  • Emergency Financial Assistance

  • Food Bank / Home Delivered Meals

  • Housing Services

  • Medical Case Management

  • Medical Transportation

  • Psychosocial Support Services

  • Referral for Health Care Services