how to become a ryan white part b program provider:


The Ryan White Part B HIV/AIDS Program Quick Facts

  • The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (previously known as the Ryan White CARE Act) is a Federal program that funds services for people living with HIV (PLWH).

  • Ryan White services are to be used only for those who cannot pay for the care they need and funds are to be used as the “payer of last resort”.

  • The legislation spells out who is eligible for services and describes how the money can be used.

  • Most Ryan White funds go to pay for medical and support services for PLWH and their families.

  • The major goal of this program is to get PLWH into care early and help them stay there and remain healthy.


Ryan White Part B funding

A Ryan White Part B Provider shall provide Core and Support Services to HIV infected persons who meet eligibility requirements regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. Providers' services should be culturally sensitive, linguistically appropriate and appropriate to patients' functional acuity level. Ryan White HIV Program Part B funds are administered between core medical services and supportive services.

Core medical services include outpatient and ambulatory health services,the  AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), AIDS pharmaceutical assistance, oral health care, early intervention services, health insurance premium and cost-sharing assistance, home health care, medical nutrition therapy, hospice services, home and community-based health services, mental health services, outpatient substance abuse care, and medical case management, including treatment-adherence services.

Support services must be linked to medical outcomes and may include outreach, medical transportation, linguistic services, respite care for caregivers of people with HIV, referrals for health care and other support services, non-medical case management, and residential substance abuse treatment services.

If you're interested in other parts of Ryan White Funding, please visit the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) website.


Which entities can receive Ryan White Part B funding?

Funding may be awarded to public or nonprofit entities, such as community-based organizations, hospices, ambulatory care facilities, community health centers, migrant health centers, homeless health centers, substance abuse treatment programs, mental health programs, hospitals, and hospices. Private for-profit entities are eligible to receive funding if they are the only available provider of high-quality HIV care in the area.


How are priority areas determined?

Each region's Ryan White Part B Community Planning Group conducts an annual needs assessment survey to determine the health care needs of people living with HIV in Tennessee.  Learn more about the Community Planning Group!


I'm interested! How do I become a Provider?

The process of becoming a Provider begins each fall with a Request for Proposal (RFP) being issued for the following grant year.

Request for Proposal Milestones:

  • Each year an RFP is issued

  • Pre-bidders webinar (mandatory)

  • Proposers will complete and submit their proposal

  • If qualified, they will face an interview and vote by the Regional Consortia Grantmaking and Allocations Committee

  • Director of Ryan White Part B at the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) authorizes final approval

  • Funding letters are issued

  • United Way of Metropolitan Nashville (UWMN) and funded providers enter into contracts

  • Providers begin providing comprehensive prevention services to PLWH

Ryan White Part B grant year is April - March. The process of becoming a Provider begins each fall with a Request for Proposal (RFP) being issued for the following grant year.

If you are an optometrist or an ophthalmologist and would like to serve Ryan White clients please download and submit the application document.

If you are interested in becoming a service provider in the Southwest region, go to for more details. (Southwest counties include: Fayette, Shelby, and Tipton).